
Season Picks


Fall 2021 shoe trends are all about being chunky!  I know that doesn’t sound appealing but it is what it is, right?!  Chunky soles have been on the upward trend for a few seasons. But don’t loose hope if you don’t like the chunky soles because there are still some styles you can choose that don’t have a chunky sole. You can also decide how much “CHUNK” you actually want to have. I was surprised by two of the trends this fall and winter season.  Clogs and cowboy boots! I had heard these were going to be in this season and I didn’t believe it.  But lo and behold they are showing up everywhere! I would love to know in the comments below or on…

Summer is here! YAY! For this reason I really wanted to share with you my thoughts on the Top 5 Hottest Summer 2021 Wearable Fashion Trends.  I always want to note that trends are things that are trending in popularity and usually stay around for more than one season. They are not always fads that most people would not even think about putting on their bodies! These 5 summer trends listed below are so easy to wear during the hot summer months and are somewhat generic, which allows you to pick something within that trend that will meet your personal preference.  Not all trends are super trendy and unwearable (if that is even a word, lol) but they can be fun and super wearable by…

I am so excited that it’s time for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2021! This always gets my mind thinking about fall trends and allows me to do this post before the season even begins!  I love telling you about what trends I find for each season and this post in particular is my most popular post all season long!  I have now added a video to this, as I have to all my other posts for the past few months. If you missed my content on Tips To Shopping The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2021 than click that title and check it out.  It will help you become more successful when shopping the sale! If you have followed me for awhile you know that I love…

There has been so much talk recently about what jeans we are going to be wearing in these new pandemic days. In my honest opinion I think the skinny jeans style is still going to be a popular option for most women. It is definitely still my style choice! These days there is enough stretch and softness to my skinny jeans that they feel pretty darn close to wearing my leggings. With all that being said I think the straight leg jeans are a good second choice and are being adopted by many very quickly.  I think we have trouble moving away from skinny jeans because first, they are already in our wardrobes and we don’t want to replace them yet and second, any other…

Do you look forward to spring and summer because you can just throw on a cute dress and go?  Dresses make everyday dressing much easier.  Or do they?  Not all dresses are created equal and some require a little more styling than others. With the fashion industry moving towards a more relaxed fit in clothing choices, it’s only realistic to think that this seasons best spring dress styles will reflect that as well. The purpose of this article and video are to help you make the right style choices when wearing any of these must-have dress styles this season. There are some great ways to elevate your look and as you will see they are simple and fun and don’t require a whole lot of…

Hey there!  Since I have not talked about trends for a few weeks, I thought I would come back this week with my Top 5 Shoe Trends That You Need To Know About!  Last week I talked about 26 Essentials For Your Spring Wardrobe and it got me thinking about shoes! I am in dire need of some sandals, so I thought I would share what I learned about what it trending. The trends have definitely shifted in this weird 2021 year of fashion. I think some of the trends are great and some I am not a fan.  So let’s just concentrate on the good ones and the styles that are super wearable for the spring and summer season. Here are my top 5…

Do you want a daily wardrobe that is simple and versatile?  One that requires very little thought about what will go together because almost everything goes together?! If so, you will want to continue on until the end!  If you want a free download of my 26 Essentials that is a little more detailed than this post click HERE! If you say to yourself that you want more pizzazz to your wardrobe than this, I would like you to think of these essentials as a “canvas” to your wardrobe like an artist uses a canvas to create an amazing work of art. You will need a foundation to create that beautiful work of art called your wardrobe. I am approaching these essentials with the idea…