


It is really hard for me personally to think about essentials since I love trending fashion so much. You may feel the same but let’s be real, these items are becoming even more important for us these days. They help us bring versatility into our lives and make a foundation to add some of our favorite trends without going overboard on how much we purchase. If you click any of the images below they will take you to the Your Guide To Style app to view the other options we have available for the outfit. Our guides provide styled outfits that have numerous versions you can create to make it your own personal style. You will have to be a part of Your Guide To…

Hello there! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and a fun shopping week. Now it’s officially time for all the Christmas parties to begin. The big question you will have when you get that holiday party invitation is “What should I wear?” One of the best tips I can give you is to pay attention to where the party is and what the invitation looks like. If there was no invitiation and it was a personal invite then ask the person having the event what the attire will be. Try not to make an assumption because you don’t want to be the one not dressed appropriately! Below I will show you different items and outfit examples that you can wear to a casual &…

Hey friends! I am so excited to tell you that I have published my first eBook!  It is called Fall Wardrobe Essentials and it’s for sale for $9.99 through Amazon Kindle. In the future I hope to have my eBooks available for you to purchase through my website. My desire is to make my skills for shopping and having a “good eye” for putting things together available to you at a reasonable price. This will allow me to help more people and continue to share what I love! I hope you will check it out.  I have included suggestions for regular, petite and plus sizes in the Fall Wardrobe Essentials eBook. Fall Wardrobe Essentials EBook Contents Purposefully curated items to help you create a versatile…